Jeonju to Seoul High-Speed Train
Departures per day
5 departures
Longest Travel Time
1 hour 48 minutes
237 km
Ticket price starts from:
Jeonju to Seoul Train Schedule
Jeonju to Seoul Route & MapThe fastest way to get from Jeonju to Seoul is by taking the KTX train. The trains operate at the speed of 305 km/hr, and it takes only 1 hour 48 minutes to get from Jeonju to Seoul. So get your ticket online and enjoy your trip! And if you're looking for the route and map, or you want to check your station, you will find all the necessary right here. The Jeonju-Seoul train route serves as a crucial transportation link between Jeonju, a historic city famous for its cultural heritage and culinary delights, and South Korea's bustling capital, Seoul. Covering a distance of approximately 237 kilometers through diverse landscapes and urban centers, this route offers travelers a convenient and efficient mode of transportation between these two significant destinations. |
KTX Train Lines Map
Stations Servicing Jeonju - Seoul Trains
The fastest way to get from Jeonju to Seoul is by taking the KTX train. The trains operate at the speed of 305 km/hr, and it takes only 1 hour 54 minutes to get from Jeonju to Seoul. So get your ticket online and enjoy your trip!
Departing from
*The exact departure and arrival station information will be shown on your ticket.
The KTX Jeonju to Seoul price for tickets depends on several things, including the type of chosen travel class, the day of the week the train is departing, as well as on whether you're buying tickets in advance or last-minute. Generally, prices start from around 47$ per ticket.
The shortest Jeonju to Seoul train time is 1 hour 48 minutes. The longest ride takes about 1 hour 54 minutes. The KTX train has an extensive rail schedule and provides more than 5 daily departure times, starting from around 6:20 a.m. to 19:30 p.m.
Yes, there is a comfortable direct train that can take you from Jeonju to Seoul just in two hours.
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